In the heart of Taurasi, a quaint town in Irpinia, lies the Sella delle Spine Winery. This family-operated winery, under the passionate guidance of Luigi Caggiano and his children, exemplifies the fusion of deep-rooted respect for the Irpinia wine heritage with cutting-edge techniques, resulting in wines with bold personalities and aromas that echo the essence of their origin.
At the turn of the 2000s, Luigi, with the support of his children, has continued to elevate and produce the region’s ‘black gold.’ This commitment reflects the belief in the transformative power of grapes, the harmony within a united family, and the synergy in work and social dynamics. This collective effort not only benefits the winery but also enriches the land that nurtures the vines.
Located in Piano D’Angelo, the heart of Irpinia, the Sella delle Spine vineyards and cellars stand amidst rows of vines integral to the generous land. The unique saddle-shaped geography of the territory, adorned with roses at the vineyard edges, not only inspires the winery’s name but also imparts distinct scents and flavors to the Pietraforte vineyards. These vines, shaped by time, geography, and volcanic activity, are perfectly adapted to the winery’s innovative techniques, yielding an indigenous and high-quality product waiting to be discovered.